I go to sleep dreaming of how to change the world and wake hungry to try. I love complex problem solving and adore the beauty of a simple solution. Mechanical, electrical, software or processes, I live to create. Simply put, I have a passion for engineering.

I am fortunate to have a father who shares this passion which infected me from a young age. When I entered the world of R&D, the internet was in its infancy, materials were scarce and tools limited. I had to become resourceful, work hard and build only what was required. To this day I remain hooked on what I now know as rapid, iterative prototyping and MVP development; construction of the cheapest, quickest way to a clear set of goals.

The constant push for faster and better drove me to construct my own tools, including multiple machining centres and 3D printers. As part of a consulting business, I co-founded at age eighteen I have developed systems ranging from a patent pending dental implant screw to a parametric precast concrete fabrication system. My proudest achievement during this time was development of a machining center capable of manufacturing high precision metal parts from scratch with the ease of a 3D printer.

While studying at Swinburne University I won the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Achedemic Excellence, the BMW Smart Cities Scholarship - which included a trip to Germany, the Fred Molyneaux Prize for Best Final Year Project and membership to the Golden Key International Honours Society for my graduating GPA of 3.5.

Most people say their time at University is the best years of their lives, but I am hungry for a real challenge. I still firmly believe that revolutionary products can upheave even an entrenched, antiquated industry.

What’s your mission?

Key Skills

What I do best.

Rapid Prototyping

From software, electronics, mechanical, CNC machining to debugging circuit boards, I have the expertise and expereience to get a prototype running.

Value Focus

Context is everything. I ensure I understand the background so I can focus on what really matters to you.

Problem Solving

I break problems down to their core to devise a truly elegant solution.

Software Development

From chasing micro-seconds in an embedded real-time system, constructing AI-enabled robots to building this website, software is what I do best.


Revolution doesn't happen without a few mistakes. I develop to minimise the cost of missteps and try, try again.


I put in the effort to ensure that I we are on the same page. I am not shy of a crowd and excel in presentation.


A (very) shortlist.

Heather Crane

Mobility for those without it.

The Heather Crane is a robotised mobility assistive device designed to provide personal mobility to those without it.

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Better Dental Implants.

A patent pending elegant solution to reduce the cost and improve the durability of high quality dental implants.

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Precision metal parts. 3D printer ease.

We automated the complex aspects of CNC machining to enable iterative prototyping of high precision metal parts.

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