Heather Crane

Mobility for those without it.

The Heather Crane is a robotised home assistive device designed to provide personal mobility to those without it. It is designed to lift a person from a chair or bed into a standing position and to relocate themselves, all by themselves

Matt Wildoer
Narayan Powderly

My Role
Electronics Design
User Interface

3D printing
Metal Fabrication
PCB design and assembly

The entire project is available under a MIT licence on GitHub

Version 2

With only minor manufacturing issues left, it’s truly awesome to stand on this platform and glide around a room.


Our second iteration of the electronics includes a custom PCB with 6 H-bridge brushed motor drivers on board. This boards takes the users input from a 3-DOF joystick and converts it to smooth vectorised wheel motion and control signals for the motor drivers. The board is extrmely compact and fits well within the original devices casing. This PCB is of my design and the board pictured was assembled by Narayan Powderly.


A (very) shortlist.

Heather Crane

Mobility for those without it.

The Heather Crane is a robotised mobility assistive device designed to provide personal mobility to those without it.

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Better Dental Implants.

A patent pending elegant solution to reduce the cost and improve the durability of high quality dental implants.

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Precision metal parts. 3D printer ease.

We automated the complex aspects of CNC machining to enable iterative prototyping of high precision metal parts.

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